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Prevent pest infestation in corporate buildings before spring

Prevent pest infestation in corporate buildings

While most parts of South Africa experience mild to warmer winters, many pests hide out and wait for warmer days. Not only would they want food to eat, but they are also thirsty – some for water and others for blood!


Be prepared

Don’t wait for the creepy crawlies to show themselves, fleas and other critters to seek your blood, rodents to find feasts to still their hunger or find shelter against the heat and rain. Get ready and be prepared as it will save you time and money in the long run. Proactive preparation is all about maintaining comfort and cleanliness, abiding by South African regulations and protecting your investment.


The law

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires that employers should maintain a safe environment for their employees. This includes preventing infestations that could place the health of employees at risk. The Health Act and National Building Regulations stipulate that buildings should be maintained and that pest infestations should be prevented where possible.


The pests

Let’s have a look at which pests are most likely to appear during the warmer days:

Ants become more active and will invade any space to find food and water. They are also notorious for causing structural damage when they build their nests inside buildings. Read this article for more information.


Cockroaches love the warm, humid environment we create for them inside our offices and homes. But they carry harmful bacteria and is just gross. You can read more about cockroaches in this article.


Rodents include mice and rats, and they can cause significant damage to structures, appliances and office equipment, especially when they start to chew through wires. They also pose health risks to people.


Termites are more common in rural areas but also share living spaces with humans. They feed on wooden structures and can cause serious damage if they are not detected early.


Flies are not only annoying, but they also carry diseases and can cause health hazards, especially when they come into contact with food.


Take these steps

There are a couple of steps that landlords, office managers and other people in charge of the buildings can take to help prevent the pests from invading properties.


1.      Comprehensive inspection

Before spring starts, schedule a thorough inspection of your premises. We will gladly come out and inspect the property for any possible signs of pests. We will look at any potential entry points, moisture sources and signs of pest activity, among others. Premium Pest Control is the expert in finding and addressing any pest issues that may not be obvious to other people.


2.      Seal entry points

Make sure that there are no entry points for pests to enter the premises. You’ll be surprised how the tiniest opening can allow pests to enter. But don’t stress, we are here to help identify these points.


3.      Maintain cleanliness

Strict cleaning protocols will assist in keeping pests at bay. If they don’t find any food, waste or water, they have no reason to stay. Keep all food stuff in sealable containers, remove waste every day and keep all surfaces clean.


4.      Moisture control

Pests are attracted to moisture, so ensure that there is no water leaks. And keep areas prone to damp dry and well-ventilated.


5.      Get the experts

Premium Pest Control will assist you in all the areas and aspects of pest control. We will help you design and implement a plan that is tailored to your office’s needs.


6.      Educate staff

Get everybody on board to keep the environment pest-free. Ensure that all the employees are aware of the importance of pest prevention and that they are trained on proper food storage, cleanliness and reporting signs of pest activities.


7.      Maintenance

Premium Pest Control will work with you to maintain the area pest-free and will work out a plan for you so that you can budget accordingly.


Contact us today to help you prevent any pest infestations and to maintain a clean and healthy environment that is safe for your employees to work in.